Lessons Learned: Fragility of Technology

In their reflective journey inspired by D’Arcy Norman’s blog post, they delve into the lessons learned from designing AV systems for the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning. Throughout this exploration, they come to appreciate the significance of transparency and flexibility amidst the intricate architectural challenges they faced. How do these principles resonate within their own educational context?

In response to the demand for adaptable technology, their team devised “collaboration carts,” innovative units equipped with touch displays, webcams, and ethernet connections. Witnessing the seamless integration of these carts into various educational activities has been truly enlightening. “In the 2 years since the systems were designed, there are already new technologies that have the potential to greatly simplify this design, reducing the reliance on interconnected systems from different vendors.” (Norman, 2017). Despite the initial hurdles they faced, such as technology fragility and warranty limitations, the implementation of a robust support model and the introduction of student stewards have significantly enhanced the operational success of their AV systems. How do they currently support technological initiatives in their institution, and what improvements could be made to streamline the process further?

Norman’s insightful observation about the fragility of technology due to interconnected systems from different vendors strikes a chord with them. It reminds them of the importance of exploring new technologies to simplify design and reduce reliance on interconnected systems. How do they stay updated on technological advancements in their field, and how might these innovations shape their future practices?

Furthermore, as they navigate the dynamic landscape of technology, they realize the importance of fostering resilience and adaptability among their students. Empowering them to navigate technological challenges with confidence is integral to their success. How do they currently foster these qualities within their students, and what role does technology play in this process?

By reflecting on past experiences and contemplating the path forward, they draw valuable lessons from their journey with technology integration. These insights form their future decisions and planning, guiding them toward a future where technology and pedagogy harmonize seamlessly to enrich the educational landscape.

Norman’s narrative serves as a guide to inspiring others to apply these insights to their own practice. By fostering an environment where innovation and tradition coalesce, they aim to nurture the minds of tomorrow and shape a brighter future for education. What steps will they take to integrate these lessons into their teaching approach?



Norman, D. (2017, March 11). Lessons learned: AV systems design in the Taylor Institute. Darcynorman.net. https://darcynorman.net/2017/03/11/lessons-learned-av-systems-design-in-the-taylor-institute/

Sheninger, E. (2022, August 31). 7 Pillars of Digital Leadership. Www.hmhco.com. https://www.hmhco.com/blog/pillars-of-digital-leadership-in-education

Workman, T., & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2012). Leadership, personal transformation, and management. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 13(4), 313. https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v13i4.1383


By: R.Arora

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